
Boston University

May 2024 - June 2026

M.S. in Software Development

Focusing on Python and hoping to take Machine Learning and AI

Coursework in Computer Science

Classes included Java, C++, SQL, and Data Structures. I earned high enough grades to join the honor society, Phi Theta Kappa, as well.

General Assembly (GA)

June 2019 - October 2019

Certificate on Software Engineering Immersive

Completed fullstack projects building single page applications (SPAs) using a variety of languages and frameworks including: React, jQuery, Boostrap, MongoDB, Express, and Ruby on Rails. Always enjoyed helping my classmates test their apps and provide feedback based on my findings.

M.A. in Elementary Education

Worked in Boston Public Schools as an elementary and middle school teacher for grades 2nd to 7th with a primary focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses. Earned licensure in Special Education and English as a Second Language.

Amherst College

August 2009 - May 2013

B.A. in Black Studies and Psychology

Clubs/Organizations: Amherst Mixed Martial Arts Organization (AMMO): Isshinryu and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Amherst Pride Alliance, Board Games Club, Japanese Animation Club (Anime Club): Co-president, RESULTS, Inc., Student Security, and THiNK.